Where did Alyssa go to PT school?
LSU Health New Orleans. Geaux Tigers!
Shouldn’t I just rest when I’m injured? NOOOOOO!
You worked too hard to build that strength and fitness, just to lose it all while resting.
Our bodies were made to move! We can use our body’s greatest pump, the heart, to help flush inflammatory chemicals out and bring blood and oxygen to the tissue/structure that is healing.
Exercising releases the “feel good” chemicals in our brains! Anyone who has been injured knows that it can be very tough mentally. Exercise can lessen the mental stress of injury.
Stay connected to your community! In CrossFit, community is #1! Combined with exercise, maintaining social connections can literally “boost” our mood!
Can I CrossFit even if I’m injured?
You bet you can! The beauty of CrossFit is that it is infinitely scalable! I am here to help you figure out just how to scale or modify your workouts around injury! This holds true for whatever form of exercise you love!
What does Alyssa do besides workout?
You mean besides working as a full time clinician and creating super informative and awesome content?? In the summer I love to mountain bike, camp, hike, and backpack! In the winter its all about snowboarding and split-boarding! Generally speaking, if I’m in the gym or outside I’m happy. Throw in trips to New Orleans to enjoy some family, food, and music, and life is complete.